Sunday, May 10, 2020

Censorship. It's becoming a way of life.

This is the joke that got me a ban from FB:

Why can't men get mad cow disease?

Because all men are pigs!

It wasn't the whole joke just the punchline. FB labeled it as hate speech.
If you can't laugh or chuckle at that please leave. Now. Just go. GTFO.

That said, censorship of our ideas and counter ideas is happening. The story is that it's for your own good. Offering different opinion on platforms like YouTube, Twitter and Facebook can get you a temporary or permanent ban. It's happening at an alarming rate. Look at posts and videos by doctors stating facts that are counter to the narrative provided by politicians and the media. They've been removed from mainstream sites.
I've said, more than once, a variety of ideas is good. Healthy in fact. If we all thought the same way it would be dangerous. We are like lemmings running towards the cliff.
The key to having differences is that we need to be open to different ideas and compromise. To much of our modern society has an all or nothing mentality. This is bad for us as a whole. Because, everyone is fallible. Not all of your ideas are good. Accept that fact. I've had many "yes, you are correct and I am wrong" discussions in my life. It's not easy sometimes. Well, most of the time it's not. To admit you are wrong is a hit to the ego. If people are willing to be open to new or old ideas, yes, old people are typically wiser and more seasoned than younger people, true growth of our society can happen.
Swallow your pride. Listen. Enjoy the fact that you may have just learned a better truth. One that can help you grow as a person. One that can help you understand the people around you. As we grow older our eyes are opened to the ideas that our parents and elder were right some of the time. But, it's new ideas that keep us progressing forward. The older generations need to remember that things change. Things are changing all the time. What was once good has been replaced by a better idea.
This is a dangerous idea for those that are vying for control, your money and your unconditional compliance in everything.

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